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Which is the best and most trusted e-Commerce Website in Bangladesh?


Check Out The Best Websites to Buy Online

The e-commerce industry is booming. People worldwide are buying, selling, and trading online more than ever before. With the growth of online purchasing comes the demand for reliable and trusted shopping websites that offer reliable services as well as quick delivery of goods. Gaining your trust is important because a bad experience could cost you time and money in the long run.


Choosing the right website to make your purchases on is very important. Read this article and choose which site is best for you.


Bangladesh's E-Commerce boom: The boom in e-commerce, reaching a turnover of around $0.2 billion in 2015, has been one of the most notable developments in Bangladesh's economy, according to a report by PayPal and Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank (CACIB).


A study conducted by CACIB shows that currently there are 18 million internet users in Bangladesh with an annual growth rate of 20%. This number is expected to reach 30 million by 2020. The report also points out that Internet penetration in the country could reach 50% by 2020.


Bangladesh is rapidly catching up. A joint study published in 2011 by Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Nielsen, and CyberMedia Research shows that Bangladesh has the third highest growth rate for e-commerce worldwide, with a staggering figure of 160%. This is almost twice as high as the number of e-commerce users in China. Thailand and Indonesia are also close behind.


Although Bangladesh's e-commerce industry is increasingly growing, there are still many questions that need to answer before it can be considered a success. For example, the study mentioned earlier found that a mere 1.5% of the population in Bangladesh uses electronic payment services.

Admin Deal is the best e-commerce website in Bangladesh 

Admin Deal is one of the best websites in Bangladesh to sell your products online. The website provides a great platform to sell your digital or physical product. You can connect with clients through social media and email as well as get payments in a fast and straightforward way. It is one of the leading websites in Bangladesh because of its unique features like an easy payment process, free listing, promotion options, and more. The easiest thing to do is sign up now with Admin Deal!

Admin Deal is one of the best means to advertise your business online. They provide various services for selling your product online, including paying for advertising on their website and social media channels without additional costs if you have an e-commerce store or service that generates revenue via ad sales.

Will setting up an online store be the next trend?

There are currently around 150,000 stores online in Bangladesh. This number is expected to reach 200,000 by the end of 2015. What makes having a website especially interesting is that almost anyone can do it, regardless of the physical location. This means that even local entrepreneurs who operate on a small scale can have their own website and sell their products on it.

A few local e-Commerce websites and their value for buyers and sellers: Bangladesh has worked hard to lure foreign investors as well as establish itself as a business-friendly destination for foreign buyers. As a result, there are several websites in Bangladesh where you can do your shopping and ship your goods home.

The websites below are the best-selling ones and are listed in order of popularity.

Bangladeshi's best e-Commerce website: - It is one of the most popular online shopping websites worldwide and sells almost anything that you can dream of buying. It has more than 1.5 million people signed up as paid members, who have bought more than $6 billion worth of merchandise since 2006. The number is expected to grow to 10 million by 2016. Amazon is also looking to expand its operations in Bangladesh after starting a warehouse in 2000 that currently has 4,000 employees on board.


Online payment system options: Bangladeshi sellers use a number of different services to sell their products, including Paypal, debit and credit cards, bank transfers, mobile money, and electronic wallets (mobile money). Most people pay through credit or debit cards and then receive their goods by post.

Best e-Commerce website for buyers:

Bangladesh is not yet popular enough to have its own online shopping website. Buyers currently have to pick from established websites such as or, which can be used in either English or Chinese. All of the websites mentioned below are free of charge, although depending on the product you are looking at there may be additional charges for shipping it home. - This website is the top choice for buyers in Bangladesh to find the cheapest products and make international purchases. They have more than $15 billion in transactions per year through thousands of different stores, most of which are small businesses that sell their products directly. - Shopee has become a popular platform for many local entrepreneurs to start their own eCommerce businesses and sell their products without having to set up an actual store. Many sellers on Shopee also sell on other platforms such as Amazon and Facebook as well, which makes it possible for them to reach a wider audience from one platform. - This website sells all kinds of products from electronics to home, garden supplies, and clothing. It is particularly popular with people who are searching for discounts and deals, making it a great place to look for even more discounted products online.


Fashion Websites:


Fashion websites in Bangladesh range from the traditional marketplace such as or Fashion-Next to online stores owned by local designers such as Bibi, Enamor, and Jannatul Nayeem (JNA). These entrepreneurs have taken advantage of the internet's popularity by selling their own products on their own websites.


Selling on the internet is also a good way for people to sell their used clothes and other things. Many of these stores are run by women who are trying to better their lives and are willing to do so by selling their items online at a more reasonable rate than if they were selling them in the market.

Bangladesh's best fashion websites: - This website has become popular among both local Bangladeshi consumers as well as ex-pats living in Bangladesh, who have been able to order their clothes without having to go through the hassle of making individual trips to each big shopping mall in Dhaka. The website has over 300 million page views per month, which is a lot for Bangladesh. and - Bibi and JNA are two of the leading fashion brands in Bangladesh that are owned by entrepreneurs whose main goal is to better their lives by selling their products online. With a worldwide reach and an emphasis on quality, these two websites rank high on both the list of best eCommerce websites as well as top fashion websites in Bangladesh.

Bangladeshi's most popular fashion Website:

Myntra (formerly Jabong) - This website is now owned by Flipkart, India's leading online retail marketplace. It has now become a top online fashion website in Bangladesh and one of the largest online shopping websites in the country. Although it has only been around since 2012, it is currently the fifth most popular website in Bangladesh and sells from more than 175 brands from all over the world.


Its popularity is not to be overlooked as it boasts over 1 billion page views every month. Bangladeshi customers can also enjoy free shipping for orders above BD TK 2,000 (around $24) as well as a refund for returned items within a period of 15 days. Myntra is expected to become even bigger and better through its expansion into other countries such as Sri Lanka, Nigeria, and Pakistan.

Bangladesh's Best Shopping Websites For Women

Women in Bangladesh have become more independent and creative in their buying habits as well as in their shopping preferences. This has led to a lot of change in the last few years. Bangladeshi women have never had it easy when it comes to the buying and selling of clothes, cosmetics, and beauty products. However, now that many of these products can be bought online at cheap prices and shipped anywhere in the world, women are able to enjoy these benefits without having to leave their own country.


Most shopping websites used by women are relatively new compared to some of the men's websites listed above. They are, however, growing in popularity as more and more women become aware of not only the advantages of buying clothing and cosmetics online but also the best websites to use for that purpose.

Top shopping website for women in Bangladesh: - This website is run by a relatively new company called Jabong, which is based in Singapore and had only been around for a few years when it was acquired by Flipkart, India's largest internet retail marketplace. It is now the third most popular eCommerce website in Bangladesh and sells products from over 200 countries. They have very reasonable prices on most of their products, which they try to keep as low as possible while still maintaining their quality standards to keep customers satisfied.

Bangladeshi Women's Sale Websites: - This website is run by the same company that runs Jannatul Nayeem (JNA). The owner had decided to start an online fashion store after seeing how popular apparel stores are in many other countries, especially India and China. Although not nearly as popular as JNA, Rakshabandhan has received a great deal of interest and attention from its customers who have appreciated its prices and service. - Myntra is one of the most trendy women's websites for sale in Bangladesh that focuses on customizing its products to appeal to the needs of its customers. The website is especially popular with customers in their 20s and 30s, who are looking for more trendy and stylish clothes and accessories.